Accent Touch

Rare Mounted Kirdi Beaded Tapestry -Blue Houses


Beaded Kirdi Tapestry 

Origin: Cameroon 

Composition: large gloss beads, cowrie shells, fiber. 

Weight : 11.6 lbs . Very resistant , can handle heavy pressure.

Dimension : 35 Inch x 51 inch

Year : 2018

Unique style and rare find beaded tapestry from the Kirdi ethnic people in Northwestern Cameroon. Meticulously weaved by Kirdi women, this piece is traditionally called Mabadji (phonetically: /mäbäjē/). Kirdi Tapestries can be used as backdrop during traditional ceremonies or offered as wedding gift by the parents of the newlywed. In the past, only chiefs and high ranked personality could enjoy this artwork. This fine art is created with elaborate images and symbolic designs. The blue houses represent Kirdi traditional huts and the diamond shapes in the graphic symbolize women fertility. Cowry shells are attached to the fringes to finish this piece. Fibers used for the weaving are very resistant and will last for generations. The weaving of Kirdi tapestries takes from 9 to 18  months to complete. Women worked on this pieces at the end of the day, after farming work. History: Cowry shells were used for centuries as currency in some parts of Africa. Beads arrived in Cameroon from Egypt and Middle East during the slave trade they were very exclusive and were used as currency as well. Kirdi Tapestries can be pinned directly on a wall or framed. Each piece is unique. They are full of tradition and history. They are great ornaments for any room.  

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